
Moodle Assignment Feedback Packager

Moodle allows assignments and group assignments to be graded offline. This helps to assign a graded group work to each of its members, but also requires a special naming and formatting of files and csv content. To help, this small web app, helps to generate the offline grading zip and attribute a group grade to all its members. It only requires the initial offline grading worksheet and optionally a feedback file for each group.

Getting the feedback file

  1. The first step it to enable Feedback files and Offline grading worksheet in Moodle assignments ‘settings under Feedback Types.
  2. It is then possible to use Download grading worksheet under View all submissions of the assignment.
  3. This file can then be uploaded to the webapp:

Using the webapp

Screen after uploading a feedback file


  • The first tab Groups helps to add feedback and grades to groups which are then copied to each member shown in the participants tab.
  • On the bottom it is possible to import grades and comments based on the group key.
  • The Feedback files tab allows to upload files if the filename has the name of a group it will be added to the feedback of each group member of this group.
  • Finally, the updated csv file and packaged zip can be downloaded and uploaded to moodle’s assignment.


Are my files send to a server?
No all is done locally in your browser.
Browser’s max size of files is arround 200MB



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Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions Migration

In addition to the provided guide by Google.

Here is the changes I had to make in my code for futur reference:

OLD <1.0 NEW< >=1.0
event.params.uid context.params.uid change.after.val() change.ref.remove()
.onWrite(event => { .onWrite((change, context) => {
.onDelete((event) => { .onDelete((snap, context) => {
const object =; object
storage.object().onChange(event => { storage.object().onFinalize((object, context) => {

Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions Migration Read More »

Tutoriel dojo javascript toolkit

J’ai mis en ligne le tutoriel dojo que j’ai réalisé pour le cours de réseau et télécommunication.

Le tutoriel réalise un site d’e-commerce en 5 étapes utilisant beaucoup de fonctionnalités Ajax réalisées en utilsiant le dojo javascript toolkit.

La documentation se trouve dans le wiki hec:…, elle inclut aussi une introduction de ce qu’est la technologie Ajax.

La démo peut être accédée sous

En plus, les autres pages de HEC 3ème ont été mises à jours avec mes résumées.

Tutoriel dojo javascript toolkit Read More »