PhD Thesis
Fritscher B. (2014). Computer-Aided Business Model Design, Université de Lausanne, Faculté des hautes études commerciales, Pigneur Y. (dir.)
Publications in Refereed Journals
Fritscher B., Pigneur Y. (2016). Classifying business model canvas usage from novice to master : a dynamic perspective. Business modeling and software design (5th International Symposium, BMSD 2015, Milan, Italy, July 6–8, 2015)
Fritscher B., Pigneur Y. (2014). A Visual Approach to Business IT Alignment between Business Model and Enterprise Architecture. In International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD)
Liu Z., Bonazzi R., Fritscher B. & Pigneur Y. (2011). Privacy-friendly Business Models for Location-Based Mobile Services. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER), 6(2), 90-107.
Publications in Refereed Conferences
Fritscher B., Pigneur Y. (2015). Extending the Business Model Canvas: A Dynamic Perspective. Fifth International Symposium on (BMSD) Business Modeling and Software Design.
Holzer A., Fritscher B. et al.(2015). DinerRouge – Bringing Wealth and Income Inequality to the Table through a Provocative UX. CHI EA ’15 Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Fritscher B., Pigneur Y. (2014). Visualizing Business Model Evolution with the Business Model Canvas: Concept and Tool. 16th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics.
Fritscher B., Pigneur Y. (2014). Business Model Design: an Evaluation of Paper-Based and Computer-Aided Canvases. Fourth International Symposium on (BMSD) Business Modeling and Software Design. Scitepress.
Fritscher B. & Pigneur Y. (2014). Computer Aided Business Model Design: Analysis of Key Features Adopted by Users. In Computer Society Press (Ed.), Proceedings of the 47 Annual (HICSS) Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 3929-3938). IEEE.
Bonazzi R., Fritscher B., Liu Z. & Pigneur Y. (2011). From ‘Security for Privacy’ to ‘Privacy for Security’. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on (BMMP) Business Models for Mobile Platforms (pp. 319-324). IEEE.
Fritscher B. & Pigneur Y. (2011). Business IT Alignment from Business Model to Enterprise Architecture. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops (CAiSE 2011 Workshops), 83 (pp. 4-15).
Bonazzi R., Missonier S., Jaccard D., Bienz P., Fritscher B. & Fernandes E. (2011). Analysis of Serious Games Implementation for Project Management courses. Proceedings of the 8th conference of the (ItAIS) Italian Chapter of AIS. Rome.
Bonazzi R., Fritscher B. & Pigneur Y. (2010). Business Model Considerations for Privacy Protection in a Mobile Location Based Context. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on (BMMP) Business Models for Mobile Platforms. IEEE.
Fritscher B. & Pigneur Y. (2010). Supporting Business Model Modelling: a Compromise between Creativity and Constraints. In England D., Palanque P., Vanderdonckt J. & Wild P. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design (TAMODIA 2009), 5963 (pp. 28-43). Springer.