Connect Galaxy Tab With ARDrone’s Ad hoc Network
In order to use any of the available ARDrone application for Android, the Samsung Galaxy Tab has to be connected to the ARDrone. Unfortunately, this is done via ad hoc network, a functionality not activated on the Galaxy Tab [1].
As with any problems there are different solutions, one of them is to ROOT the device and replace the WiFi functionality with a patched version.
I) Root the Samsung Galaxy Tab [2] (tested with SuperOneClick v1.9.1)
– Kies Software downloaded from HERE and installed and Tab connected at least once to the pc.
– SuperOnceClick downloaded from HEREProcess:
1) Connect your galaxy tab with debugging mode disabled and sync with Kies at least once.
2) Disconnect it and enable debugging mode from Settings>Applications>Development>USB Debugging
3) Connect the tab again to PC and click on home button so that Tab comes out of Kies connection
4) Launch SuperOneClick.exe, on Vista/Seven be sure to run as Administrator (right click run as…)
5) Click on root and wait for 5-10 Mins
6) Reboot when/if told to
II) Copy patched file onto device and overwrite [3]
1) Download wpa_supplicant HERE (use 7-zip to extract) or HERE (zip not tested)
2) upload file onto your device with adb push or connected as an USB drive
3) disable WiFi on the device
4) mount /system as read write ( there is also an app for that mount /system rw )
5) replace /system/wpa_supplicant (if your favorite explorer does not work, try a terminal)
5b1) > su
5b2) > cp /sdcard/wpa_supplicant /system/bin/wpa_supplicant
6) enable WiFi (you can now see and connect to Ad hoc networks!)
On a first test run all applications seem to be able to connect to the ARDrone with firmware 1.5.1: ARDrone Demo, ARDroid, Androne Freeflight.AR (slow video)
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