Il n'y a aucune garantie sur l'exactitude des informations étant donnée que n'importe qui peut les modifier!
The prototype that was created and studied has proven that it is possible to take a very unrestrictive paper based approach to business model innovation and support it with a digital application. The prototype in its first version does not solve more problems that the paper based version, but acts as a platform on which new functions can bring new opportunities. Some have been tried out, like annotations to keep better track of the reflexions which guided the choices made on the business model, development of alternatives through versioning or layers and also helping the creative process by assisting it with a wizard. Other ideas have been proposed, which require future investigation. The implemented features have been tested with a variety of users, as well as on different display technologies and resulted in satisfactory results in usability and usefulness. It was always possible to input and use the business models developed during testing. This alone is as useful as a paper based version which has to be photographed to be digitally available. But the visualisation of alternatives, which can be easily edited and compared, adds another element of usefulness to the proposed application. Tests on projected screen and touch devices show promises to further facilitate collaborative thinking, but have to be explorer further with application configurations which are specially design for their interaction paradigms.
As contributions to knowledge from this project, the viability of a digital solution for the BMO methodology can be mentioned as well as the successful design of an application which works on different screen technologies and crosses the boundaries between web and desktop application. To the BMO itself the contribution was mainly the necessity to clarify the visual representation and naming of all the elements and links of its current iteration. The model can also certainly gain from the enhancement that brings the layer system in the digital version, but further work is necessary to see how this could be adapted to the paper based process, like for example colored sticky notes.
On the technological side, it was proven by the creation of the second prototype that the proof of concept of the interaction between Groovy / Java and Flex / ActionScript is possible in more complex application than a simple example. Also with the choice to test current Frameworks, another example of their usefulness as well as their known limitations has been shown.
The feasibility of creating a tool which helps in the creation business model innovation has been shown. It would be interesting to see further research on how to elaborate on more specific guides, as well as explore if after the creation of a business model, such a tool can also assist in the simulation, implementation and monitoring of the new business model.